
Friday, September 01, 2006

Arduino Microcontroller

Just thought I would post a picture up of the microcontroller I am using. At the moment it spits out an x val, x velocity and x acceleration, y val, y velocity and y acceleration.

I still have to decide how to map these in the program. Hopefully I will be simply limiting it to two movements: foward/backwards movement and side to side. Though talking to some people, some feel the "forward/backward" makes more sense as scratching, other feel side to side feels more like scratching.

Many thanks to Justin Clayden for constructing and coding the microcontroller in Arduino for me! :)


At 9:21 AM, Blogger alec resnick said...

Quick question: I'm trying to track down the earliest incidence of the exact phrase "Arduino microcontroller." I was wondering where you picked it up (you're the earliest I've found, so far).



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