
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Research Plan

Currently I have almost completed my Research Proposal which is due on the 25th August (this Friday). As part of the proposal I have had to come up with a research plan and gantt chart for the remainder of the course schedule. Final Presentation is set for the 23rd of October. Below is an excerpt from the draft Research Proposal, outlining my research plan for this project. The Gantt Chart shows where I am currently with the project.

3.1 Research Plan Outline
The research plan for this project is defined in terms of objectives and sub-objectives as follows:

1. Design and Project Preparation
(a) Research existing software and hardware
Find existing software and hardware that is
suitable for the project’s implementation.
(b) Obtain access to required software and

Ensure required software and hardware is
easily accessible at University and Home.
(c) Design interaction component
Define the interactive device and determine
it’s mapping to the navigational component
of the design.

2. Develop Visualisation
(a) Research Visualisation Techniques
Find a suitable technique that will be used in
the project to test the interaction component.
(b) Find appropriate dataset(s)
Determine the dataset(s) to be visualised in
the project.
(c) Develop Visualisation Concept
Determine how the dataset will be
appropriately mapped.

3. Implement Prototype
(a) Develop interaction device(s)
Construct chosen interaction device as
determined in 1(c).
(b) Integrate software and hardware
Interface software with interaction device.
(c) Programming: Visualisation and Navigation
Program the visualisation and interaction as
developed in stages 1 and 2.

4. Performance
(a) Test prototype with real users
Allow a set of users to test the prototype.
(b) Observe, record and reflect on findings from

5. Documentation
(a) Progress Documentation
Set up progress “Blog” to continuously
document project progress.
(b) Performance Documentation
Document performance results via video,
pictures, observational notes.
(c) Produce Research Report
Compile and compose research report and
presentation for final submission.

Gantt Chart


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